Last seen: December 22, 2024 5:42 AM
99% Isopropyl, if you can't find it, 91% is good.
There is no direct answer to this question. Asus ROG / Zephyrus tops the list in motherboard failures. That's what we see in our shop the most. HP spe...
You'll need to inspect under a thermal camera and see if anything is trying to power on. Very likely PCH or CPU fault.
it's hard for anyone to answer a generic questions like this. No enough information. A lot of things could cause no power. You need to have a basic un...
101 things could cause no power. Start with VCC_MAIN BATT_VCC, and PP5V0_USB
What do you mean PCI lines messed up. It could be related to sagging. Attach a photo.
We don't fix TVs. No market for fixing tv's in this time and age especially in the USA. It may be feasible in other countries but not here. Worst case...
You definitely don't need the customer's info and it serves no purpose to have it in your records. You are dealing with the business and not his custo...
339S00249 is for 10.5. The others are not.
I have no clue and never had to open one before. When you say LCD flashing. What do you mean. Take a photo if you can.
CPU, NAND, Baseband, EEPROM. Good luck.
I'm Assuming it's the A1286 model. Do you have an voltage reading on pin 2,3. What about Pin 4 of the LCD connector when battery is plugged in. A faul...
No Clue and haven't worked with such component before. Do you have a photo.
Capacitors near the CPU or GPU tend to have very low resistance and it's normal for the meter to beep in Continuity or Diode when testing. Ohm Readi...