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Adding stuff to preorder from yesterday

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Please answer me hear if possible maybe alex is too buzy or nobody answering masseges now cause i need to add solder wick and pad strips 4 to this order without extra shipping

Order number : 211980

Admin Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 132

Hello Dan,

You order is already packaged with a label pending pickup. We will add Pad strips 4 and Solder Wick. Use the following link to make a payment. Do it ASAP so the post office can pickup today. Amount due $32.52

Click here to pay

(@Bunty Kainth)
New Member Guest
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1

Hi Alex,

I have emailed many times and have messaged on FaceBook messenger. I have issues with my account, looks like iv been blacklisted for some reason. Iv not had a confirmation email for my order 212455. Please can you help? Can you reinstate my account too please?

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