I have an iMac Pro board that's missing 3 components just to the right of the ethernet port. The area is usually covered by a little rubber cap. I would be VERY grateful if someone can help be identify what these components are and their values. The blue circled component on the right I suspect is a capacitor but the 2 circled components on the left look like coils but with 4 legs. If I look at the board at an angle I can see a copper coil under the cap of the components on the left that are still on the board.
Are you still looking for the info on these components? I can take a look at my logic board and send you a pic and perhaps values when I open my iMac Pro up. I've got a couple of donor boards but not sure if the values are trustworthy. I'm looking for any schematics/board view for my iMac Pro, I'd like to repair it myself but I'm starting to lose hope without a schematic.