The above unit has totally stopped working and I have found a shorted cap (C114) but cannot find a schematic to identify its value and do not have a donor board. Any help would be very much appreciated.
You can get an idea of the voltage limit for the cap by measuring across the pads for it with it removed. Most likely it is a filter cap for the power rail. That being said, a 10uf cap will likely be sufficient. In many cases, there are enough caps on the line such that leaving it out won't make a difference. Try placing a 10uf cap there. It won't harm anything.
Thank you very much for the advice. I had assumed the cap was a filter but I was concerned to replace it with the correct value because the xbox is left on stand-by all of the time and wanted to be sure not to create a possible safety risk by replacing it incorrectly. I will however test it as you suggest. Many thanks again.