Widows 10 audio dri...
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Widows 10 audio driver installed but knocked out the power in the speakers.

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This is an ongoing issue with Windows 10.  I had the hard drive replaces and it came with Windows 10.  The old hard drive had Windows 8.1 and when I would listen to music on YouTube the music sounded very good.  My laptop is 7 years old by the way and worked very well up to the hard drive started giving me problems.  Everything works fine now Ruth the solid state hard drive except for the sound coming from my speakers, sounds hollow and tinny.


I’ve done everything on the Microsoft forums suggested including trying to downgrade the audio driver.  Windows 10 won’t allow the old driver to be installed. 

Have you ever fixed this problem or heard of it?  With headphones the music sounds fine but that’s not the way I listen to music on the laptop.

Believe me I tried everything to sound as it did before but nothing worked.  The tech that installed the hard drive agreed it sounded funny but could not fix the audio issue.

Can you help?  Thanks, Alfred

(@Guest 10344)
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Hi Alfred,

I can only think of a few things that could be wrong.

1. You say your hard drive came with windows 10. Does it mean that the windows 10 installation was not done on your laptop but another machine and then the disk moved to your laptop. This ideally should not be done as there could be hardware mismatches between your laptop and the machine used for installing windows 10. And this could create lot of issue inlcuding performance issues, random BSOD. In my limited experience  playing around with drivers in windows only makes matters worse.  Your best bet would to do a fresh window 10 install on the your laptop.

2. have you tried using Windows Troubleshooter. This will help reset all the drivers and audio settings and may help resolve the issue.

Hope this helps



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