Asus GL703v not boo...
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Asus GL703v not booting but KB is doing a lightshow

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I have this Asus Strix GL703v. It was not powering on, found a short and the culprit (dead cap), removed it, changed both power mosfets and now it’s doing this: the leds are showing that it’s charging, the KB starts going all Las Vegas on me, and then… it shuts down.

it’s very similar to Alex’s video

Any idea?

PS : I’ve installed a 2600 MHz ram stick, and this model can only handle 2400 Mhz. But that couldn’t be the issue, can it?

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When you soldered the mosfets have you pushed them on the board to make good connection so they don`t get hot?

(@Guest 10257)
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Good Day FrenchyVinnie,

       So you found and removed a shorted cap AND replaced two faulty MOSFETs? Yes most caps are used as a filter for AC signals with one side on the ground plane but not all of them. You can usually get away with removing small value ones, SMT or through hole/chassis mount, without affecting the overall circuit too much but would have to verify per the schematic. I assume you verified either the replacement MOSFET silkscreens matched or were at least compatible per their data sheets? I'd definitely reflow first and then if you got your replacements from a less than reputable source try a different chip in the lot. Counterfeit or faulty chips are unfortunately a thing. If you're in the US I HIGHLY recommend utilizing Mouser/Digikey/etc over even Ebay/Amazon/etc, let alone AliExpress/Alibaba/etc...    

       Installing higher clocked RAM than the system is capable of using just means the excess clock speed wont be utilized. The ram will actually draw less current, run cooler, and last longer in the vast majority of cases!


Happy fault hunting,
Second Chance Repairs LLC


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