Hi Alex, in one of your videos you were replacing a FPC and it had a torn pad. You used a schematic software to figure out if you needed to run a lead to recreate the pad or not. The pin on the software showed it colored blue which means you didn’t need to add the pad or jumper. What is the name of that software and who is it from? Thanks for your time
Could you link to the video in question so we could see which timestamp you're talking about? It's likely that the software used was OpenBoardview by Paul Daniels.
I've seen the same video, I've been able to find out that it is in fact OpenBoardView
however 99% of the brd files I attempt to open in said software fail with an error saying unrecognized format
is there a setting or a different source for the *.brd files ?
Once again, which video was this? And are you saying you have .brd files that do not work, or that your files are not .brd files and you are trying to find them?